The “home” of AEK BC is at SUNEL Arena, Athens since the 22nd of June 2020 with a capacity of 9.025 seats. Its’ location is on Konstantinoupoleos 59, Artakis, Ellispontou and Trapezountos streets.
The goal is to create a new cultural identity in the area and a new brand name for the wider region. Also, a long-term goal is the regeneration of the surrounding area of the Olympic Hall.
The first unofficial game in the stadium was a friendly game against London Lions (win 102-81) and the official one, was against Larisa for the Greek League (win 81-69).
Since then, SUNEL Arena has been developed into a permanent sports/cultural destination after hosting dozens of events except of AEK games, such as basketball matches of the National Men’s Team, EEC tournaments etc.

Interest Form
If you are interested in holding an event at our place, do not hesitate to fill out the interest form and we will contact you as soon as possible